Tuesday, 28 January 2014

book cover

What you need to write-up about each photo
The Photo
What is it of? Where did you take it? What is the main subject of the photo
Why you took it
Why did you frame/zoom to the scene you have taken. What is the main point of the photo. What you are interested in with the picture.
How you took it
What settings did you use. What sort of depth of field you used.
What did you do to it in Photoshop
e.g. sharpen, levels, colour balance.
Any other tools you have used e.g. Layers, Hue/Saturation, Dodge and Burn etc
How could you improve it
What was the light like when you took it, would it be better in the sun for instance? It the composition ok?
Does the work you have done in Photoshop improve the image?

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