Wednesday, 18 November 2015

dark room H & S DEVELOPING

100 DELTA PROFESSIONAL ISO 100/21° ILFORD 100 DELTA PROFESSIONAL is a medium speed, fine grain, black and white professional film, ideal for pictorial and fine art photography. For sharpness and freedom from grain it is simply the best in its class. Prints have more sparkle and sharpness than images shot on other films of the same speed, especially when printing giant enlargements.

developing a &w film IOS 125/22% ILFORD

developing tank light prof and spirals
film cap remover
plastic measuring cylinder
plastic beakers
plastic storage bottles
stirring rod
stop clock/watch
2 film clips or pegs one for either side to dry negatives
negative storage

health and safety

Always follow health and safety recommendations on the chemical packaging and depose of chemicals safely
gloves, eye protection and an apron can be worn, depending what the manufacture says
Keep all food and drinks away from photographic chemicals
don't mix wet and dry areas or chemicals

developing a film
we used rodinal developer

pouring water to remove air bubbles, dust marks etc
water correct temp of water usually 20'C develper

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