Monday, 26 October 2015

dan work unit 116 and 106 Myself and the City -Survival

survival is living against all odds but its not living to the full

this image show a homeless person with his quilt wrapped around him to keep him warm and the big queen's building that we all working people pay taxes towards it. 
the building is large and so does UK have a large problem of homeless.  what has changed since the Victorian times

The two images side by side show both are homeless and just surviving, yet at different locations shows different meaning.  People are just pasting by.  one is in Birmingham city centre and one is from india. 

below, the white path, path of hope, dark sky and ground are cold dark days. 

same for the beautiful bird, dark ground but white path of hope life.  this image is showing surviving and living.  even thought we humans have stolen their lands trees etc.,

poor birds looking for food in the middle of the road and a bus is approaching.

beautiful feather pattern on his body


tree of hope beautiful young tree, on its own in front of Acocks green library.  Surviving against all odds

1st world war monorail 

just surviving not really living to the full 
on its own no one of his kind with him 
the IF light to keep it warm 

this image does not work with a black background 

locket in a tank, not really living just surviving  

unhappy pony, only there human use.  The horses will never be free to live in the wild.

The lady turned his face so I could have a good photo, sad, the pony could not move the way it wanted to.  Will they ever know what freedom is.  

used a curve 

the owl chained and sad to entertain humans and make money.  The owl does not have the freedom to live as it wants eg among their own kind have a family.

Free, the birds are free to life and move in there space.


below, infrared process in photoshop

all the pictures below are silently different due different levels of adjustment but using the same process

image taken at Sutton cold field park 

tutorial by Serge ramelli 
1st IF red followed on you-tub 
image is not as seen on you tub but kept it.  I did use the levels more than the tutoral, in photoshop because i liked this look.

2nd image followed same tutorial, silently different not the same 

cyanotype process

in photoshop  

put in Lightroom 

unit 116 ; dan

MPP field camera

used a MPP field camera,see image 

ABOVE is a image of the negative 


Above is negative and below is the picture  


above image from negative to positive --- used cmd I vice versa 

plus used noise reduction 

gave it a smooth look blue - colour balance and brightness & contrast  

filter blur, iris blur and field blur

                                                   filter blur and iris blur and field blur
                                                              and added magenta 

tilt and shift 

tilt and shift , 2nd attempt, much better 

                                                                    been cropped

changed colour for vantage look 

pixelate ----> mosaic used two layers and soft light 

gum bichromate expriment in photoshop

only gum bichromate 

added contrast and brightness

added contrast, brightness, and enhanced the colour 

reduced noise, contrast and brightness plus colour is slight black & white


below images, solarisation in Photoshop

black and whiteechanged to grey scale, 
curves - used pencle to draw a inverted V OK, then normal curve to improve glow, brightness and contrast.

using two images black and white and a colour 

taken in rome in end of october 

cross processing using different tones, levels 

soap latter
cross processing using different tones, levels 

 water droplet 

cross processing using different tones, levels 

cross processing
double exposure
q=sepia&biw=1162&bih=725&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDcQsARqFQoTCJix85P-lMkCFcnVGgodv8II2g#imgrc=KMQrqDGQNHAHjM%3A  basic masking and mask 


Layer > New adjustment Layer > Black & White.

Either pick it from the Adjustment Panel Tools Palette or go Layer > New adjustment Layer > Curves.

You might be familiar with using the curves tool when editing tones and exposure. You might not know that the curves tool has a pencil which allows you draw your own curve (or lines).
You then need to draw an inverted V.
Start at the bottom left, click once at output 0, input 0. Then hold down shift and then click again in the center at the top. (output 255, input 127).
Then finish off by clicking the bottom right hand corner.
Create another curves layer. This time we are going to use the normal wave tool.
Manipulate the curve to lighten/darken your image. At this stage every single photo will be different.
As you can see in my example I only slightly darkened my image, small bend but a large effect.
Now because we are using digital technology we can also colour the image if we choose to, rather than leave the image a boring B&W.
Duplicated the original image and then place it on top. Change the transfer mode to color. Reduce the opacity if needed, I placed my on around 76%.
This step is completely optional. I personally think it brings out the lines in the image slightly more than before.
Create a new layer (Layer > New > Layer).
Then go Image > Apply Image. This copies your current work into a single layer.
Head to Filters > Stylize > Glowing Edges. Then copy the settings in the image below.
With the layer selected, hit CTRL or CMD + I. This will inverse the layer.
Then change the layer style to multiply. Reduce the opacity to somewhere between 20-50%.
On a new layer, apply the image. (Image > apply image).
Use the burn and dodge tools to make the background stand out and keep the subject in focus.
This doesn't just work for flowers. Portraits turn out well using same settings.
Image Details: Self Portrait.
Canon 7D, 50mm 1.4F, Flashgun below the chin (hence darker area).
This image was shot against a wooden background with different patches of shadow and light. No colour layer applied.
Image details: Classic Car.
Canon 7D + 18-85mm
For this image the lines were strong enough so I didn't add the glowing lines effect. I also removed the colour from every other object other than the driver (myself) and the car.
With thanks to Harvey Yallop for the image and use of the car.

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