Tuesday, 20 May 2014

assingment brief 2 location

Unit Title/s
30: Location Photography
23: Photographic Media, Techniques & Technology
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art &Design (Photography)
Alex Drozd
Start Date
Week 21
5th March 2014
Deadline Date
Week 30
25th June 2014
Feedback Date
Week 32
9th July 2014

Assignment 1
LOCATION 2: Produce Location photos in a variety of location
This assignment covers the following Grading Criteria
30: Location Photography (ALL)
23: Photographic Media, Techniques & Technology (ALL)
 [See Assessment Criteria section for details]
The purpose of this assignment is to:

30: Location Photography
The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to the characteristics of location photography. Learners will create photographs on location whilst developing their ability to use the technology, media and techniques associated with location photography.

23: Photographic Media, Techniques & Technology
The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ skills, knowledge and understanding of the ways in which different photographic media, techniques and technology contribute to the creation of imaginative photographs. Learners will generate ideas and use photographic media, techniques and technology when creating their own photographs.
Developing photography skills on location can take time to develop. ‘Practice makes perfect’ is a good mantra to follow for photographers wanting to improve the quality of their work. Building up a good set of images can take a series of visits to locations.

This kind of thinking does not apply on many commercial photo-shoots. The window of opportunity to take photographs for a client can be very short sometimes (an hour or 2) and weather conditions may not be suitable at that time. Being prepared for all eventualities and also having a good idea of what you want to do with a location are key to success.

For this assignment you will be given a short timescale to create images on 3 different locations. You will also be given a wider experience of different locations than the first location assignment.
The Brief
For this assignment you will need to produce location photographs from 3 different location types.
  1. Interior
  2. Buildings
  3. Trees and landscape

You will be introduced to the skills involved in photographing a series of locations as well as the work of practitioners working in that area.

Although the location types are listed, the actual locations where you create your images will be your own choice apart from work undertaken for the college. You will need to decide on your locations, research the work of existing practitioners, decide on your approach and plan the location shoots.

You will to produce a risk assessment and include maps/floor plans for the locations and also think about considerations e.g. what equipment and clothing, where and when you are going and also think about the light and weather etc. Each choice you make e.g. camera and lens combination, will need a justification in your write-up.

Task 1
Location planning and reflection on the planning
Completion Date: varies per location (see separate sheet)
 Initial ideas: Location recce, plans, risk assessment 

Research: Get inspired and examine successful images by looking at the work of existing/established practitioners. Research possible locations for your assignment work.

Plan: – Plan your location photos – equipment, time of day, weather, any other considerations, style etc. Justify why you have made your decisions regarding your approach, equipment and accessories..

(U30: P1, M1, D1  – U23:  P1, P2  – U23: P3, M3, D3, )
Task 2
The final location photographs
Completion Date: varies per location (see separate sheet)
·         Production: Take the photographs, ensuring that the photos are well exposed, balanced for colour, sharp and well lit (where applicable)

·         Computer – Photoshop etc  - use the software to finalise the images

(U30: P2, M2, D2, P3 – U23:  P3  – U23: P1, M1, D1, P2, M2, D2 )

Task 3
Reflection on your project
Completion Date: varies per location (see separate sheet)
·         Reflect on the whole process. This will include your inspirations and also your plan and the locations you have chosen.
·         Evaluate the process – what could have been better? 
·         Did the work of the practitioners you looked at help you with your project?
·         How did they help you?
·         Did anything change during the project? 
·         Evaluate the images – how good are they?
·         Did they meet up to your expectation?

(U30: P4, M4, M3, D3 – U23: P4, M4)

Assignment evidence
Tick when complete
Task 1
·         Research and plans -  This includes research on the work of practitioners, location recce, floor plans, shooting plans, risk assessments, equipment lists etc.

Task 2
·         Final set of photographs: This includes and explanation of all stages in the production, including information on how you shot your photographs and what you did with the software.

Task 3
·         An evaluation of the images and the process. What have you learned from the assignment?

All of the above Tasks will provide the necessary evidence for the units listed below as outlines in the Tasks section:

Unit 30: Photography Location Techniques
To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that you are able to:
To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, you are able to:
To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, you are able to:
P1 describe the characteristics of location photography
M1 analyse the characteristics of location photography
D1 evaluate the characteristics
of location photography

P2 use photographic technology, techniques and media to make photographs on location
M2 use photographic technology, techniques and media coherently and effectively to make photographs on location
D2 use photographic technology,
techniques and media to independently create location photographs that imaginatively realise planned intentions
P3 create location photographs that realise planned intentions

M3 create location photographs that consistently realise planned intentions.
D3 explain own location
photography with considered
reflection on the production
process using correct technical language.

P4 review own location

M4 discuss own location
photography with considered reflection upon the production process

Unit 23: Photographic Media, Techniques and Technology

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that you are able to:
To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, you are able to:
To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, you are able to:
P1 investigate photographic
media, techniques and technology

M1 investigate effectively, a
diverse range of photographic
media, techniques and
D1 investigate independently,
a comprehensive range of photographic media, techniques and technology
P2 use photographic media,
techniques and technology

M2 use coherently, a diverse
range of photographic media,
techniques and technology
D2 use innovatively, a comprehensive range of photographic media, techniques and technology safety

P3 list the characteristics and
properties of photographic

M3 describe the characteristics
and properties of a diverse
range of photographic materials
D3 describe in detail with correct terminology, the characteristics and properties of a comprehensive range of photographic materials
P4 discuss own use of photographic media, techniques and technology.
M4 analyse own use of photographic media, techniques and technology.
D4 evaluate own use of photographic media, techniques and technology.

This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Alex Drozd


Internal verifier




Location 2 Part 2 – Photographing interiors / for the college
What do you need to write?
Research – finding similar photographs and tutorials online
What did you find from these?
Plans – what do/did you need to consider for the photoshoot?
Technical and artistic
The photos – 3 of the best
What’s good and bad about them
Review - 
What did you learn from the experience? What will you do better next time?

Location 2 Part 2 – Photographing interiors / for the college
What do you need to write?
Research – finding similar photographs and tutorials online
What did you find from these?
Plans – what do/did you need to consider for the photoshoot?
Technical and artistic
The photos – 3 of the best
What’s good and bad about them
Review - 
What did you learn from the experience? What will you do better next time?


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