Brighten your life with the rainbow collection and bring positive happiness into your life.
Beach wear part of the rainbow collection
The sleeveless triangle dress below, can be worn on the beach, indoor or outdoor. It is a slip on dress in rainbow colours and is 100% cotton which has a cooling effect and has no zip or any hard metal or plastic items on the garment that can irritate the skin if not dried after a swim. It also has a light weight 100%cotton lining and comes in many sizes to order.
image further away,the feet and half the legs are in the water
the triganle bend of the arm matches the triangle of dress.
image closer
3rd image closer and the model is standing on the sand.
Part of the rainbow collection, below is a evening dress that can be worn at parties, show etc. Which is a warm black microfiber, it water proof and light weigh, and soft to the touch with the rainbow colour triangle strips that gives the illumination slim look. It has a long visible plastic zip at the back for easy access to wear and will not mess up your hair style etc.
I have added make -up, red lip colour black eye pencil and gold eye-shadow,black tights plus other touches to smooth out the skin and remove freckles etc, in Photoshop.
The background image belongs to Bridget Riley which has been stretched.
P.S only save a image once it is finished in jpeg because you loss the layers.
below the
models are
showing different
hair colours that
can be applied
to match the
fashion wear
wig with rainbow lights, lights last 5 hours 6 rainbow colours applied to hair -once hair
is washed the colours will wash out and half the image
is water base. it was hard to colour the black hair
with the 6 rainbow colours.
this above model hair colour is more longer lasting as she had proper dye put in
with the rainbow colours and her hair was lighter
the jeans have been coloured in the lower blueish colour and wooly top with green and hair made yellower more to match the yellow light
jeans are popular with the young teenagers
below is the 2nd cousture in the collection of the rainbow, it comes in mircro fiber and in 100% cotton and comes in six colours to order. Black is the one you can buy in many sizes,
see our web site.
the above image and the one below is one of our costumer's, who had a piture taken when she was at the mailbow during xmas
happy with the blurriness and the main focus point is the light bulb
the background was taken of the xmas tree lights and only the lights are in focus and not the tree which is what i wanted.
3rd rule - the image is on the 1/3
the background colour if blended in the fashion looks much better.
all the colours were changed to meet the theme, shoes, jeans jacket, scarf, and jewellery add on the front of the is forehead.
3rd rule - the eyes are the main focus point
this one and the one below is an example of SHAUN ALEXANDER - work but the face looks less realistic
the dress is greenish /yellow here and the scarf has tones of all 3 garment and the jacket also have tones to matches all the garments.
the background matches the summer yellowish with green ground.
the jean is red here and shoes greenish and jacket black with silver tones
lots of make-up has been added
focus point eyes
all the garments colours have been changed to all the 6 rainbow colour and the background has a similar theme
the scarfs match the shoes and the dress top, and the jacket has the tones of the jean.
this image show the head scarf jewellery clearly
the two below A & B are the original used for the above images for the fashion collection.
background image was taken of the dome in the gurdwara and the gradient colour was used.
the above two images C & D are the original images used for the above images to show the leisure wear rainbow fashion collection.
this is taking ideas from of JACSON POLLOCK, KANDINSKY AND PICASSO'S,
and using colours to see how they work
very busy image
below, is a diamond watch on a Xmas bulb
image taken with a tripod due to low f numbers
the main aim was to get the background blur
and the bulb with the watch to stand out, the main focus point.
the watch had to be turned around so the 12 was facing upwards. the original images are below.
The N is a jewellery with the star (above) that is used as a decoration on the Xmas tree which will be later used as a necklace which can be ordered in any alphabet word.
the above image is low f numbers so the background can be blurry and focus point on the front of the image and the 3 jewellery
the 1st N is more darker stones, 2nd more sold and 3rd the original.
B -is the original image
A, above - is the original image
The above image is showing the accessories that the women is thinking to wear
the it shows jewelry and a woman's face and the eye area covered with a strip IE, that they are for a female
plus the background is in bronze showing, the jeweler is hard like metal
broach ear rings
G necklace and ear-rings
H - below, bracelet with a rose stone, be ordered in any of the 6 rainbow colours
there are 3 bags, wet look and with 3 zip opening
in the image there is a purple bag, a blue with black tones and a bronze coloured bag with rainbow colour strips in front of the bag only.
thinking which handbag to use with her outfit
these two images of the bag are original, one showing the 3 zip opening compartments and the other more view of the front.
below are images that were not ready to used and some are the original